Sunday 24 February 2013

New Cousin


I have a new cousin named Jessica. She is really cute. Mum got an email this morning from Aunt Mary saying that she had just had a baby. I am really excited.

Mum says that we will soon go over and see the baby and all our other cousins. I can't wait. There is one there just about my age. He is very fun and does not mind going off with me, even though I am a girl!

So I now have four cousins. That is wonderful. I can't wait to go visit them!
Written by Kate

Saturday 23 February 2013

Someone is Mean to Kate

Kate ran over to me crying. I put my arm around her shoulders and rocked her. When she had calmed down a bit I asked her what was wrong.

"Oh, Mum." She sobbed. "Was at the park and an old friend who I have not seen in ages came over and said, 'What you got glasses, yuck!' and walked off" I know that is not quite what Kate said, but it is close enough.

I was horrifide, someone dared to say that to Kate. It is not her fault she has glasses, she has had them for ages and she does not really like them, but she lives with them!

I don't know what to do, what should I do if people are coming around and being mean to my Kate? The only thing I can do is give her lots of hugs and kisses.
Written by Ruth

Toondoo Family!

I went on to ToonDoo and made some pictures of my family:

Myself (Don't I look cool?)

Isaac (I don't like to put this up, it makes him look bad. I guess he is a bit over weight!)

John (He turned out so cool!)

Tom (I love this one!)

Kate (She looks awsome, I dressed her in her sports clothes!)
Beth (She looks so cute and pretty!)
Fred (So little and purfect!)
What do you think? A cool family or what? I do feel guilty about putting Isaac's picture up, I did try to make him look better than he does, he does not look too bad, does he?
Written by Ruth


I think I am the luckiest man in the world being married to Ruth, She is a wonderful woman and the best house keeper.
I go out to work in the morning and come home in the evening and there is dinner on the table waiting for me to eat it, what a life.

I love to teach my three boys stuff and I think that what is better than them learning is us being together, my kids are my joy and life I am glad that they all love to play and be happy, even though sometimes they are rude to eachother, like Fred about Beth's tummy. I am trying to brake him of that habbit of being rude, I know he likes chocolate almost as much as she does, YOU HEAR THAT, FREDDIE OLD BOY?
Written by the father of the family, Isaac


I am six!

I am a tall boy, taller than Beth. I am as tall as a bean pole, Beth is a chubby as an apple, but she does not care in the slightest, she says that it is musle. I admire her for not going into a huff about us all telling her she is fat! She is though, but the thing is she does not care, she likes eating the food she eats!!! I would not if it made me as fat as she is! It is a wonder he dresses stay on! Well I must admit that they do bite into her tummy a bit, but she says she  likes it that way, she like being fat! I think it is so strange, likes being fat! She says if she got thin she would miss the weight of her tummy around her! She is funny!!!

I like watching movies! I have many favourites, and I watch them all the time! Yep I do! I am a movie watcher star!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Written by charming young Fredrick


 I love chocolate. It is soooo yummy! Mum says I should not eat so much, but I love it so much that I can't be bothered to give it up.

I am eight, but small for my age. I want to be tall, but there is little chance of that. I am most likely going to be small forever!!!!! It is so unfair, but better than having no talent!

I love to draw, I am good at it. I draw meraids and princesses! I like them.

Did I tell you that I have even been called beautiful? I have lovely golden hair and blue eyes, which I think much nicer than Kate's dark hair and eyes, well maybe not that much nicer, but still I am pretty! I am so sorry Kate, I did not mean to be mean to you, I am going to cry!
Written by Bethany


Hi there and welcome to my brain, yes it is a mess, isn't it? Well not everyone's brain is as neat as yours.

I like riding my bike and swimming. I do a bit of running too, Mum's idea.
I forgot to tell you that I am eleven and a good age, Tom says it is much better than twelve, I don't believe him, I don't think anyone does, really, he is a bit MAD.
Don't think I am being rude to him, oh no. He knows he is mad and he is kinda proud of it, I don't know why, I would hate to be thought of as mad, but good for me I am thought of as normal, well almost, I get some weird ideas.
I have a kitten names Choco. She is so cute, but a bit fat. I know it is really my fault, but I can't help but spoil her, she is so cute and friendly that I just can't help it. I spend all y pocket money on her, which means I am always buying her toys and treats and new combs to brush her with. Everyone tells me that cats clean and brush themselves, but I don't care, I do it for her.

Written by Kathrin


Sometimes I wish I was older than twelve. It feels like I have been twelve for years and years, not four months, twelve is a hard year to live through, yes it is. There I told you Mum, no one believes me! Sorry about that, I just had to say it.
I am not a writer or an artist, I don't know what my talent is yet, I wonder if I have one..... I don't seem to be good at anything and it seems so mean because I want to be really talents, I guess everyone does though and so it makes no difference to God, he won't hear my prayers to be a talented person, it is so unfair!
I like to play Cluedo, I am the losser of the family, which is not hard to believe. I always play as Reverand Green. He is so cool!
Well I am not too interesting and so there is not much more I can say. Thanks for reading, I hope I have not bored you to the bone!
Written by Thomas


Hello from Johnsville! I am a thirteen, fourteen in one week, year old boy! I love reading and laughing. I once laughed so hard over a joke that I fell off my chair, nocking it over and broke it. The joke was not worth it I guess.

I have a little puppy named Greyham and a mouse called Squeak! I like them both very much, but Squeak makes a mess and I have to clean it up, yuck!

I am writing a novel called Don't Leave Me. It is about a prince which everyone leaves after a bit because he is awful and he has to learn how to behave and be a good and kind man.

I can play a bit on the piano, but I am not yet into a grade, I don't mind though, I only started lessons a little while ago! My sister Kate on the other hand can play like a chicken out of water. She is the musician of the family, I think!

Has anyone ever met a boy who likes reading girls books? No? Well you have now! I read things like The Penderwicks and The Wells books. It does earn me a lot of weird looks and I am sure you already dislike me because I let you in on the real me, the me that like girly stuff.

Well other than reading girl's books I am all boy, I promise! "And when I promise something I never, ever brake that promise...ever!" to quote Tangled. That is such a cool movie, pity I gave movies up for Lent,
'Hey Tom I forgot it is Sunday, we can watch a movie, yay!' I had better go if I want to watch that movie, bye!
Written by the talented, John!


This is an unschooling family's blog. I ame mother of the family, Ruth. I like art and music and love eating my childrens cooking.

I have five children and a wonderful husband. My childrens names are John, Thomas, Kathrin, Bethany and Fredrick. They will all write their own blog posts here!

Well thank you for visiting this blog and please, read on to find out what my amazing family does and dreams about! I am sure you will find friends in all of them.

Written by the mother of the family, Ruth!